Why do you need to use an Architectural Professional for your Building Project?

Why do you need to use an Architectural Professional for your Building Project?
Many South Africans seem to think that using an Architectural Professional, such as an architect or draughtsman, is an unnecessary expense when they want to build their own home. After all, architects and draughtsmen only draw pictures on paper, don’t they?
This idea is further reinforced by the fact that there are thousands of pre-drawn plans available on the internet. So why do you even need an architect or draughtsman?
The problem with pre-drawn plans on the internet
There are thousands of pre-drawn floorplans and computer generated 3D images of houses freely available on the internet to download. However these plans and images don’t contain the necessary information and details needed to build from start to finish. They also do not contain the necessary information needed by your local municipality for approval.
Additional issues with pre-drawn plans:
Although some designs are eye-catching and modern, they may not conform to your specific needs or requirements.
Not all designs meets the specific needs & requirements of your chosen property or Municipal regulations.
Some designs exceed your budget constraints.
It is clear that cheap pre-drawn plans is not always the best choice for your project, and in some cases it could lead to major, unplanned expenses or even the demise of your building project.
But can’t I draw up and prepare my own plans?
The short answer to this question is no. In years previous, owner-builders where able to draw up their own building plans and submit them to their local municipality for approval. But in the modern era, the law and current building regulations explicitly state that only “a competent and qualified person” (ie an architectural professional) that is registered with the South African Council for the Architectural Profession (SACAP) can submit building plans.
Architectural professionals, whether they are architects, technologists or draughtsman, undergo years of technical and theoretical education and training in order to be able to prepare the necessary documentation & information needed to construct buildings. They are an unreplaceable and pivotal part of the construction industry.