Limestone Renders
Having limestone rendering can be a very safe option for you and your family! Plaster is coating a surface with cement render or plaster finish on an internal or external wall. Plaster is for decoration and protection of every building.
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Decorators: Finding your guide for brilliant design
Hiring an interior decorator to guide you through the designing process of homemaking may seem like an unnecessary expense, but there are real benefits to seeking a professional.
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What is a Skylight?
Rooftop windows and skylights can give a number of advantages to home owners.
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Tips for Carpet Repairs
Repairing a carpet or runner at home can be a DIY project, depending on the extent of the damage
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How to get your garden spring ready
With spring upon us, it’s time to get your garden ready to make the most of the beautiful season. Here are some easy tips to get your plants healthy, get your garden growing and get the best colour from your vegetation.
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The Choice between a Qualified Professional owned company VS UnQualified Owned Contractor
We have experience with many projects and are not chance takers.
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Top tips for keeping your ceiling clean
When spring-cleaning a room in your home, make sure you take care of the ceiling first, before you clean the walls, windows or floor in order to prevent dust from falling onto already cleaned surfaces.
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Leaking Tiled Roof
A leaking roof causes severe damage to ceilings and walls depending on the location and size of the leak.
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Heavenly shade for your home: a simple guide to shade sails
Shade sails are a subtle and effective way to shade areas of your home without the need to install permanent structures.
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Wrought Iron Gates
Wrought iron gates can indeed be an excellent choice for driveway gates due to their durability, security, and aesthetic appeal.
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Safety in Glass Pool Fencing
If you are looking to install your own glass fence for your pool, you will need to have all the necessary tools and safety tips that are necessary for this to be a successful job. The help of a professional is always recommended but it can be done alone. Here are a few safety tips
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Bathroom Ventilation
A shower ventilation system can be very efficient if it is placed in the correct position so that all steam can be sucked in, if this is not done correctly and. build up takes place in your bathroom there is more chance of a a build up of mould or mildew.
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Hot Water System Installation
Hot water systems are an integral part of our homes and with a little tender loving care can perform perfectly for years. To install it is highly recommended to hire an expert and to ask for advoce for the best suited system in your house
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LED Lighting The Next Dimension
LEDs operate differently than traditional incandescent light bulbs. This makes LEDs far more rugged and durable than traditional incandescent light bulbs.
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Top four signs that home automation is not for you
Home automation is fast becoming one of the most popular home design and customisation trends. However, as a highly advanced, technology- dependent system, home automation is often not for everyone. Familiarise yourself with these four points before investing in home automation to decide if it is right for you.
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Roof repairs and waterproofing: how these household chores can make or break you
Repairing your roof often shouldn’t be the case if it is done correctly the first time. Property owners like to go for the cheapest option available as it is convenient for them at the time, not thinking that it will cost them more in the months to come.
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