Dishwasher Installation
If it is a new installation then you are likely to require the services of a plumber and possibly even an electrician to provide a power point and/or plumbing. However some houses, especially newer ones come with the required plumbing and electrical points. Always have a good look around before deciding how to move forward!
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Clothes Dryers
These machines make life just that little bit easier, they can make life a little bit more pricey but if used efficiently is the perfect way to have a fresh set of clothes ready the next day. The latest sensor technology on many models reduces drying times for greater energy efficient and time saving.
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Bath and Showers
Time to redo the bathroom but cannot decide which bath or shower to choose? Well this can be a very enjoyable job instead of a chore, Choosing your bath and shower can be an exciting DIY experieince for you and can give you the bathroom you always wanted.
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How to Waterproof a Roof - Tips to Keep Your Home in Top Shape
A leaky roof can be severely damaging. To start with, the stains are plain ugly. It causes the plaster to peel off, impacting the surface of the walls
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The lmportance Of Business Security
Take into account premises design and layout to correctly identify and manage security threats.Assess the building layout and design in your business security plan whether the building was designed specifically for your business or not ,also the placement of entry and exits for easy monitoring by staff
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How to choose an Architect in South Africa
Ensure that your chosen Architect keeps you informed as the design process unfolds/progresses and that he or she adheres to the proposed project deliverables or design milestones/timelines.
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Benefits of Custom made Furniture
Some people do not use their sitting area as much as others, this would mean it would be normal to buy ready made furniture. For those who have specific needs and want for their comfort, a custom made piece of furniture is the answer.
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Stair casing
Everyone can follow some tips so that their staircase is cleaner and safer for their family. Stairs are sometimes the most often walked area in the house, dust and dirt can build up very easily and cause major problems in your home.
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Five garden tools every gardener should own
Some say a gardener is only as good as his/her tools. Here is our list of top five garden tools that no dedicated gardener should be seen without:
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A balustrade is in layman’s terms simply a row of repeating balusters. Balusters are small posts that support the upper rail of a railing.
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Wooden Gates
Whether you're looking for a delicate garden doorway or a large driveway gate, wooden gates are an appealing option.
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Crime Scene Cleaners
Having a crime happen in your home is a traumatic and life changing event. Whilst members affected by the crime deal with the psychological and physical consequences of a crime, it is the job of crime scene cleaners to ensure that they come home to a clean, safe and sanitized home. A crime scene cleaner is somebody who is considered a “second responder” to a crime. Once an investigative team has gathered all the information they require, a crime scene clean up team is allowed onto the scene of the crime to clean the area
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Vinyl and Laminate Floors: which one works for you?
Vinyl flooring and laminate flooring are two totally different flooring options that can be easily confused.
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3 things you should know about roof inspection process
Getting our roof inspected frequently will improve the longevity of the building. It will also save you considerable expenses that you would have otherwise spent on repairs when your roof gets damaged
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Bathroom renovations: Creative ways to modernise your bathroom
The bathroom vanity serves as a central element in your bathroom renovations, combining storage functionality with aesthetic appeal.
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Ramifications of selling a home without municipal approved building plans
The reality is that if alterations and additions have been carried out on a property without municipal (local authority) approval and the property is then sold, it can become quite a complex legal matter.
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Modern living luxury homes 101 with Tobb Group
The demand for modern living luxury apartments reflects a shift in our lifestyles — people want a place where they can work and play in one convenient and comfortable setting.
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